Patricia Fox
Viewing the images with photographer Joseph Puhy, Makeup Julia Joseph, Hair Izzy Ruiz.
The e mail from my talent agency informing me i was “selected” for the PRODUCT (RED) ad campaign made me jump up and down with excitement. My call time was 7:15 A.M.. I am very conscientious and punctual so my night’s sleep was light, alarm set, hair washed the night before, clothes laid out and fresh no make up face ready to go.
Makeup by Julia Joseph
I arrived to a warm and smiling greeting from the make up artist and hair stylist with whom in my limited experience had worked with before…..that in itself was shocking and a sign that this was going to be a fantastic experience!
Hair by Izzy Ruiz
I greeted the photographer, production people, and crew. Everyone was so up beat friendly, caring and attentive……I loved it!
The team, makeup, hair and wardrobe transformed me into a red-lipped, cheerful looking regular plainer version of myself woman. My action role was to hold an i phone with mophie and take selfies with funny whimsical faces. The photographer clicked away I moved, mugged, and made it happen! Everyone was excited and smiling so I knew the image was captured and the Product (RED) ad campaign with my image (amongst others) was on its way.
Wardrobe stylist Leo Max and Lukas Van Der Fecht